Aleksandar Chakarov

Contact Information

CU Programming Languages Lab
Room ECCS 121
Engineering Center
Univeristy of Colorado Boulder
Boulder, CO, USA 80309


I am a recent alumnus of the Ph.D. program in Computer Science at the University of Colorado Boulder. I had the priviledge to be advised by Prof. Sriram Sankaranarayanan. My area of focus is the verification of infinte-state discrete-time stochastic systems using martingale theory (PhD thesis ).
I am a member of the CU Programming Languages and Verification (CUPLV) and Verification of Cyber Physical Systems (VCPS) groups. My research interests broadly include formal methods, program analysis, static analysis, Machine Learning for PL, probabilistic modeling and probabilistic reasoning with applications to privacy, confidentiality and security.

Recent News


Here is a list of my publications: